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Candy Generator Documentation


This document provides the details on how to set up a development environment for the BitterBuster Candy Generator.


Tech Requirements

The candy generator is written in Python 3. Basic instructions on setting up the development environment and running the given scripts are provided in the repository's README file.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository locally
  2. Set up a Python virtual environment in the root directory

    % python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment based on OS

  4. Install all the requirements
    % pip install -r requirements.txt


Generating Candies

Assets for the candies along with a sample generation script are provided within the repository. This script will generate candies based on the components along with corresponding JSON files describing the attributes/labels of each candy.

Some adjustable parameters are provided at the top of the file.

Example Usage

To generate all candies:

% python

To generate all candies with multiprocessing enabled:

% python -p

To generate N candies:

% python -n N

To generate N candies while feeding in a particular randomization seed S:

% python -n N -s S

Categorizing Candies

A sample categorization script is provided within the repository.

To customize the parameters for determining bitterness, you can update the predicate function is_bitter at the top of the file. For example, to categorize Candies by warm/cold body color where cold corresponds to bitterness:

def is_bitter(labels):
  return labels["body"]["hue"] == "cold"

Categorization will then act upon the generated candies from the generation script by running:

% python

Candy Labels

Below is a list of all labels associated with each Candy Component that can be used for categorization:

    "left_arm": {
        "side": "left",
        "orientation": ["up", "down"]
    "right_arm": {
        "side": "right",
        "orientation": ["up", "down"]
    "body": {
        "hue": ["cold", "warm"],
        "shape": ["sharp", "round", "mixed"]
    "eye": {
        "lash": ["lash", "nolash"],
        "distance": ["narrow", "middle", "wide"]
    "leg": {
        "length": ["short", "middle", "long"],
        "orientation": ["inward", "left", "right", "outward"]
    "mouth": {
        "openness": ["open", "close"]
    "pattern": {
        "type": ["dots", "stripes"]


The 2D Candy Components were created by Constanza Tong and scripts were written by Angela Zhang. All licensing information regarding both art assets and source code can be found here.