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BitterBuster Logging Data


This document provides the details and schema for the logging data exported by the BitterBuster game.

With each run of the game, data points are logged for each specific event that occurs within the gameplay. These are exported into a json file in the Logs directory created at the root working directory of the BitterBuster executable. The event log contains arrays of logging objects that each follow the general form:

  "eventType": string,
  "timeStamp": float,

Each different event is associated with a different set of key/value data pairs that can be parsed for data interpretation.

Logging Event Types

Explorer Position

Logging of Explorer position by the game every x seconds (current build sets this as 2, but this value will be adjustable in the final version)

  "eventType": "Explorer Position",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "position": Vector3 // (x, y, z) position

Explorer Trapped

Logging of when the Explorer is trapped in the game

  "eventType": "Explorer Trapped",
  "timeStamp": float

Enter Neighborhood

Logging of when the Explorer enters a neighborhood

  "eventType": "Enter Neighborhood",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "neighborhoodBitterProb": float // Probability of bitterness for given neighborhood

Exit Neighborhood

Logging of when the Explorer leaves a neighborhood

  "eventType": "Exit Neighborhood",
  "timeStamp": float

Visited House

Logging of when the Explorer visits (interacts with) a House.

  "eventType": "Visited House",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "houseBitterProb": float  // Probability of bitterness for given house

Selector Shown Candy

Logging of when a Candy is displayed to the Selector

  "eventType": "Displayed Candy",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "selectedCandy": string // Name of the png file for the selected candy

Selector Categorize

Logging of each decision made by the Selector with a given batch of Candies.

  "eventType": "Selector Categorize",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "selectedCandyCategory": string,  // "Bitter" or "Sweet"
  "actualCandyCategory": string     // "Bitter" or "Sweet"

Selector Finish

Logging of when Selector finishes with their selection task for the current batch.

  "eventType": "Selector Finish",
  "timeStamp": float

Marker Placed

Logging of when the Selector places a marker.

  "eventType": "Marker Placed",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "markerPos": Vector3 // (x, y, z) position of marker

Marker Reached

Logging of when the Explorer reaches a marker.

  "eventType": "Marker Reached",
  "timeStamp": float

Request to Leave

Logging of when either player makes a request to leave.

  "eventType": "Requested to Leave",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "playerType": string  // "Explorer" or "Selector"

Leave Response

Logging of when either player responds to a request to leave.

  "eventType": "Leave Response",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "response": string    // "Accept" or "Deny"

Game Summary

Logging of stats at the end of a game.

  "eventType": "Game Summary",
  "timeStamp": float,
  "numBitterCorrect": int,
  "numBitterIncorrect": int,
  "numSweetCorrect": int,
  "numSweetIncorrect": int